My hubby DonLee, is now down there full time (lucky guy!) and when I am able to retire in a few years, I will join him. For now, I get down there about once a month and every few months am able to stay for a few weeks at a time. It may not seem ideal, but so far it is working out ok for us!
In 1987 DonLee lived in Cancun for a short time while selling time shares. He fell in love with Cancun and determined that he would return someday, on a permanent basis. We met in 1989 and married in 1992 and my first time in Cancun was on our honeymoon, at the very time share place where DonLee had worked and it took just a couple of days for me to fall for Cancun as hard as he did!
For the next 20 years, we traveled there every year, eventually including our two young sons in our adventures. Our boys loved Cancun so much that they wanted to move down there right away, but we are not wealthy people and couldn't leave our work in the states with no prospects in Mexico. So we just went down as often as possible, spending up to a month at a time at our timeshare.
In April of 2013, while we were down in Cancun, DonLee got a wild hair and started looking at places for sale on the block that our time share is located. Within a few days, we were looking at places and had fallen in love with a couple of condos located right across the street from our time share! The next thing we knew we were submitting offers and ended up closing on our little piece of paradise in July of 2013.
To say that this was spur of the moment might be true only in the sense that we had not planned on looking to buy a place for a few years since I cannot retire yet. So while it was quite a surprise to our friends and family that we had found and purchased our retirement home, it was only surprising to DonLee and me that we had found such a perfect place to live in such a short amount of time.
So, after we closed on our condo, I headed back to Colorado and DonLee started the remodel that we needed to get done before we moved in. He did a wonderful job, and has created a beautiful home for us that we still kind of pinch ourselves about.
So that is the very general introduction to my blog. I am still working out how I want this blog to look and feel and how stuff I put in here should be organized, so I thank you for your patience and I hope that in the months to come my blog can be a resource for folks whether they are just heading to Cancun for a vacation or if they are considering "The Big Move".
Hablo muy poco español, y estoy tratando de aprender lo más rápido que puedo! Es muy difícil para este viejo cerebro. ;-)